On 23Jul2016 1211, Donald Stufft wrote:

On Jul 23, 2016, at 2:40 PM, Nicholas Chammas
<nicholas.cham...@gmail.com <mailto:nicholas.cham...@gmail.com>> wrote:

I know a more concrete proposal would have to address a lot of details
(e.g. like how to split contributions across multiple maintainers),
and perhaps there is no way to find the resources to build or maintain
such a thing in the first place. But just for now I’d like to separate
essence of idea from the practical concerns of implementing it.

I’m mulling over the idea in my head, but one other thing we’d need to
figure out is the *legality* of doing this and if it’s something the PSF
is willing to do at all.

Maybe it's as simple as a user profile "Donations URL" field that is also listed on any packages owned by that user? Or possibly a per-package URL? (The latter may work out better for people who manage both personal and work packages, which is currently the system we're using at Microsoft until we get a centralised publishing system set up.)


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