Isn't this issue already solved by (and the raison d'ĂȘtre of) the multiple
third-party Python redistributors, like the various OS package maintainers,
Continuum's Anaconda, Enthought Canopy, ActiveState Python, WinPython, etc?

[image: Inline image 1]


On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 4:45 AM, Freddy Rietdijk <>

> Hi,
> I would like to propose that, as a community, we jointly maintain a
> curated set of Python packages that are known to work together. These
> packages would receive security updates for some time and every couple of
> months a new major release of the curated set comes available. The idea of
> this is inspired by Haskell LTS, so maybe we should call this PyPI LTS?
> So why a PyPI LTS?
> PyPI makes available all versions of packages that were uploaded, and by
> default installers like pip will try to use the latest available versions
> of packages, unless told otherwise. With a requirements.txt file (or a
> future pipfile.lock) and we can pin as much as we like our
> requirements of respectively the environment and package requirements,
> thereby making a more reproducible environment possible and also fixing the
> API for developers. Pinning requirements is often a manual job, although
> one could use pip freeze or other tools.
> A common problem is when two packages in a certain environment require
> different versions of a package. Having a curated set of packages,
> developers could be encouraged to test against the latest stable and
> nightly of the curated package set, thereby increasing compatibility
> between different packages, something I think we all want.
> Having a compatible set of packages is not only interesting for
> developers, but also for downstream distributions. All distributions try to
> find a set of packages that are working together and release them. This is
> a lot of work, and I think it would be in everyone's benefit if we try to
> solve this issue together.
> A possible solution
> Downstream, that is developers and distributions, will need a set of
> packages that are known to work together. At minimum this would consist of,
> per package, the name of the package and its version, but for
> reproducibility I would propose adding the filename and hash as well.
> Because there isn't any reliable method to extract the requirements of a
> package, I propose also including `setup_requires`, install_requires`, and
> `tests_require` explicitly. That way, distributions can automatically build
> recipes for the packages (although non-Python dependencies would still have
> to be resolved by the distribution).
> The package set would be released as lts-YYYY-MM-REVISION, and developers
> can choose to track a specific revision, but would typically be asked to
> track only lts-YYYY-MM which would resolve to the latest REVISION.
> Because dependencies vary per Python language version, interpreter, and
> operating system, we would have to have these sets for each combination and
> therefore I propose having a source which evaluates to say a TOML/JSON file
> per version/interpreter/OS.
> How this source file should be written I don't know; while I think the Nix
> expression language is an excellent choice for this, it is not possible for
> everyone to use and therefore likely not an option.
> Open questions
> There are still plenty of open questions.
> - Who decides when a package is updated that would break dependents? This
> is an issue all distributions face, so maybe we should involve them.
> - How would this be integrated with pip / virtualenv / pipfile.lock /
> requirements.txt / See e.g.
> pipfile/issues/10#issuecomment-262229620
> References to Haskell LTS
> Here are several links to some interesting documents on how Haskell LTS
> works.
> - A blog post describing what Haskell LTS is: https://www.fpcomplete.
> com/blog/2014/12/backporting-bug-fixes
> - Rules regarding uploading and breaking packages:
> fpco/stackage/blob/master/
> - The actual LTS files
> What do you think of this proposal? Would you be interested in this as
> developer, or packager?
> Freddy
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