On 20/03/2017 11:35, Thomas Kluyver wrote:
On Mon, Mar 20, 2017, at 09:00 AM, Robin Becker wrote:
Obviously if I have the ability to embed  repr(some_object)
into the document output then it will vary (unless the underlying python
is reproducible). I'm not sure if debian runs the whole reportlab test
suite, but it makes sense to get this kind of variablity out.

AIUI, it's fine to have the *ability* to produce non-deterministic
output, and it doesn't matter if your tests do that. The aim of
reproducible builds is to be able to go from the same source code to an
identical binary package. Documents generated by running the tests are
presumably not included in binary packages, so it doesn't matter if they

Well now I am confused. The date / times mentioned in the debian patch are those we force into the documents produced by the reportlab package when it is used.

They would not normally be part of the package itself. Although the reportlab documentation is available in the source I'm fairly sure we don't include it in the wheels.

Of course if the debian packaging includes output created by reportlab then that document would receive the current (ie variable) time. In addition any random behaviour created by the reportlab generation code would also be embedded in the document.

If the debian variable is intended create reproducible PDF as part of their packaging of reportlab or some other package then I'm fairly sure that other variation will need to be checked in addition to the control that the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH variable would give. Perhaps Matthias could comment; I know little about how the debian packaging works.

 I believe there was some way to modify the hashing introduced when the dos 
dictionary attacks were an issue.

The PYTHONHASHSEED environment variable:

If you have non-determinism introduced by Python hashing, setting a
constant value of PYTHONHASHSEED should be an easy way to work around

Well years ago we tried to get some random behaviour in text selection by setting a seed value eg 23......22 (but that doesn't work across pythons). I guess the algorithm variation across pythons would make dictionary order quite variable.

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Robin Becker
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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