On Mon, Jun 12, 2017, at 09:45 PM, Daniel Holth wrote:
> I think all my wheel generators except bdist_wheel build the zipfile
> directly.
There is a certain appeal to using the zipped .whl file as the canonical
format for all tools that produce or consume wheels, rather than
defining a closely related but distinct 'unpacked wheel' format. A
directory and a zip file do not have 100% identical features (filename
encodings may differ, entries in a zip file are ordered, there may be
metadata in one format that's not present in the other, and so on).
I think we're also making this change in the assumption that
frontends will be few and backends numerous, so it makes sense to
shift more work into frontends. That may not necessarily be true - I
could imagine more frontends emerging while people standardise on
just a few backends. Jupyter's frontend/kernel separation was
initially designed in the belief that it would support one kernel and
many frontends, but we've ended up getting a lot of kernels with just
a handful of popular backends.
I don't feel strongly about this - I can build a wheel and then unzip it
again if that's what the spec says. But given the choice, I'd specify it
in terms of a zipped .whl file rather than a directory.
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