> On Jul 5, 2017, at 12:08 PM, Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have to say I still have deep reservations about flit's approach of
> assuming/requiring that you're using VCS (git) to maintain your
> project. I know that in practical terms most people will be, but it
> still seems like a strong assumption to make. One of the consequences
> is that flit doesn't handle scenarios like "I unpacked a sdist" or "I
> downloaded the project archive from github and unpacked that" well.
> And the result of *that* is that we're putting in mechanisms in the
> PEP to manage that approach.

I think it’s possible for us to generically handle the “I unpacked a sdist” 
case in pip by just using the current shutil.copytree approach. The bad case 
for that (large .git repositories, .tox, etc) generally only happen in actual 
development environments and not inside of a sdist itself. The only thing we 
would need is some mechanism for a front end to determine if something is an 
unpacked sdist or not.

Of course the backend could also implement it a similar way, by just tarring up 
the entire directory if it detects it’s in an unpacked sdist (which means it 
would need to add a mechanism to detect if it’s in an unpacked sdist, rather 
than us needing to add one to the PEP itself).

I don’t have a strong preference for how we do that, and we could even do both 
things TBH, and reuse Nathaniel’s idea of using the NotImplemented singleton 
and make the logic (from pip’s POV):

* From a VCS/random directory that ISNT an unpacked sdist, call build_sdist and 
if that fails or says it’s not implemented, then fail the build and surface an 
error to the user to indicate why.
* From a unpacked sdist (as determined by some hypothetical mechanism we would 
add to the PEP) call build_sdist and if that fails surface an error to the user 
to indicate why, but if it returns NotImplemented then fall back to just using 

That would allow a tool like flit to just completely ignore the unpacked sdist 
case (other than to return a NotImplemented) and have things still work fine 
BUT it also allows another tool to do something extra in that case (such as 
verifying all of the file hashes against a record of known hashes and munging 
the version if any differ to indicate the version has changed).

That doesn’t solve the “I downloaded a archive from GitHub” or “I mounted my 
VCS checkout into a docker container without my VCS installed”, but those can 
only be solved by the backend tool itself and IMO it’s perfectly acceptable for 
the backend to fail with an appropriate error message if it needs something 
that the current directory or environment doesn’t provide.

Donald Stufft

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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