On Fri, 31 Aug 2018 at 22:03, Brett Cannon <br...@python.org> wrote:

> You can make your pure Python wheel have a py3-cp36m-* wheel name and you get 
> the version specification you want; there is nothing saying a wheel must have 
> extension modules if it specifies an ABI tag.

Currently, that won't work, as pip doesn't consider combinations with
py* as the version and an ABI that isn't none as valid:

>>> print("\n".join([f"{p}-{b}-{a}" for p,b,a in pep425tags.get_supported()]))

If we're talking about what could be made to work, then yes, I guess
this is possible. Although it feels like a hack to me - I consider the
ABI to be about the C API, and therefore pure-python code *should*
have "none" as the ABI. From PEP 425: "The ABI tag indicates which
Python ABI is required by any included extension modules". The
semantics of the 3 tags is important, and like it or not they are
currently "(interpreter) version", "(extension) ABI" and "(platform)
architecture". I'm not saying we couldn't alter the meanings, but
doing so would need an update to the PEP (which is just admin, so not
that significant) and a user re-education exercise (which is the
non-trivial aspect).

On Fri, 31 Aug 2018 at 13:33 Xavier Fernandez <xav.fernan...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> while python-requires is indeed nice, it is only usable by pip to select a 
>> wheel file with a fully compliant PEP 503 repository.
>> Otherwise, like in a local wheelhouse (wheel files in a directory), it is 
>> invisible to pip until pip tries to install the wheel so a more precise 
>> python tag can still be somewhat useful...
>> (I agree that pip could access the wheel metadata to check the 
>> python-requires without needing to unzip the whole file).

The point of this is that PEP 503 allows the index to expose
Requires-Python as  a `data-requires-python` attribute on a file link.
So if accessing an index, it's possible to rely on requires-python
when selecting what wheels to download or consider further (and pip
does that). But when using --find-links to point to a directory full
of files (i.e., without a PEP 503 HTML index page) you can't access
Requires-Python without opening up the wheel and accessing the
metadata - so Requires-Python can't be used to trim the list of
potential candidate wheels (or at least, pip doesn't, it is of course
theoretically possible).

> But more importantly, pip still has to resolve what version of a package to 
> use, so regardless of what's cached in your wheelhouse there will be a check 
> against python-requires somewhere, else you're no worse off than just 
> installing the wheel directly. IOW your wheelhouse isn't going to 
> short-circuit pip's resolver, it's just going to save you from having to 
> download some bits from somewhere else (unless I understand how pip utilizes 
> the wheelhouse on disk).

What you're talking about here is the cache, which is different (and
which *is* just about saving downloads).

The details of pip's resolution sequence are not defined by any
standard, and they aren't documented in detail by pip either, so we're
very much talking about implementation-defined behaviour here. And I
haven't checked the source code in detail, so I'm going off memory and
assumptions. But basically, pip picks which wheel it's going to
install by scanning the filenames (and the data-requires-python tag if
it's looking at a PEP 503 index). It doesn't open the wheel and look
at the metadata until it's committed to a particular wheel. I *think*
that if the chosen package has an incompatible Requires-Python at that
point, the resolver simply errors out and doesn't look for

The *finder* picks which wheel we're going to use, and does this
solely based on the wheel filename (and the data-requires-python tag,
for files from a PEP 503 compatible index that supplies it). Once that
decision is made, there's no going back - any incompatibilities in
metadata after that point simply cause the install to fail. Or in
other words, using Requires-Python is not a reliable way to direct pip
to choose a particular wheel. That decision is deliberate, for
performance reasons. The principle is that installers are able to pick
the correct file to install *without* opening up the wheel or
otherwise downloading it to check its validity.

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