Part of the challenge here from my perspective is that even though I can
envision what the end solution looks like, it's not clear how to actually
get there.  How do we designate someone to make decisions about what to
include?  How do we protect ourselves against special-case logic being kept
in individual project repos as it is now, but instead pushed back up to the
main repo?  From our perspective (pipenv/various other projects I maintain
at least), the implementation in pip is the minimum viable standard to which
all other tooling _must_ conform, at least from a UX standpoint.  Since
package installation is step 0 of any developer's work, even minor workflow
changes can be jarring and seriously disruptive, which is why we rely on the
pip implementations a lot

It reminds me of the old adage about starting off with one problem... you
don't want a new developer to have a clever idea (problem one) and go to set
up their new environment and the first thing that happens is they experience
some initial error before they've even managed to install a package (now
they have two problems and one of them has nothing to do with their actual

As a consequence even though there are other libraries that may provide some
of this functionality, pip has the reference implementation and that
contains some significant additional logic. I don't imagine that pip is
going to simply adopt some new library without significant review... The
substantial effort  required to actually get people to review the code
involved in standardizing the functionality people are 'borrowing' from pip
is probably going to be a challenge, and that's before we ever consider that
it will be difficult getting people to agree on what should be standardized
and extracted.  

People are basically taking a path-of-least-resistance approach right now
which means everyone is building their own tooling as needed or simply using
the tooling in pip because they know that will always provide the same UX
that the user is accustomed to (see my first point).  I don't see anyone
sinking significant effort into a shared library until we agree on what
needs to be shared and can be confident that it will land in the various
tools at some point. That said, there aren't too many of us that can put all
the pieces together so it shouldn't be that difficult  to outline what we
need -- anyone who wants to have a look at what most of our projects are
using from pip can shoot me a message off-list and I can send you a link to
the repository

Dan Ryan
gh: @techalchemy // e:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Moore []
> Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2018 3:25 PM
> To: Thomas Kluyver
> Cc: Distutils
> Subject: [Distutils] Re: disable building wheel for a package
> On Tue, 18 Sep 2018 at 19:54, Thomas Kluyver <>
> wrote:
> >
> > On Fri, Sep 14, 2018, at 4:26 PM, Paul Moore wrote:
> > > I don't think it's "hard to predict". I *do* think it's badly
> standardised.
> > > ...
> > > Better would be to have a supported library that exposes the logic pip
> > > uses (or as I said above, the standard-defined logic) to determine
> > > such paths. See
> >
> > There is an official standard library API in the sysconfig module to
> installation locations:
> >
> Yes, if it weren't for the stuff mentioned below, that would be the
> one obvious way of doing things. However...
> > Unfortunately, distutils has a copy of this logic rather than using the
> sysconfig module, from what I remember. Some Linux distros have patched
> distutils to put installed files in different locations, but have not
> patched sysconfig, presumably because they didn't think about it.
> (Technically, I think the history is that sysconfig was created by
> pulling the distutils logic out into a standalone module, but no-one
> modified distutils to use sysconfig - probably the usual "fear of
> changing anything in distutils" problem :-() Even more unfortunately,
> pip further layers its own logic on this
> (
> 136)
> - basically a "sledgehammer to crack a nut" approach of initialising a
> distutils install command object, and then introspecting it to find
> out where it'll install stuff - then hacking some special cases on top
> of that. I assume it's doing that to patch over the incomplete Linux
> distro patching.
> > Even if sysconfig were patched, distros may have a different location
> files installed by the distro package manager and files installed by other
> means (Debian based distros use /usr and /usr/local for these). So there's
> one data directory where you can find all files related to importable
> packages. (Of course, we advise against 'sudo pip install', but people
still do it
> anyway).
> Yeah. We don't really have any control or influence over what distros
> do, we just end up reacting to their changes. That's why I think we
> need a centralised supported library - unless the distros start
> working better with the Python stdlib APIs, someone needs to collect
> together all the workarounds and hacks needed to interact with them,
> and that's better done in one place than duplicating the work in
> multiple projects (and the fact that people have asked for pip's
> locations module to be exposed as an API confirms to me that there
> *are* multiple projects that need this).
> > This may be somewhat outdated - it's been a while since I looked into
> but I don't think the relevant pieces are changing rapidly. My conclusion
> the time was that the only reliable way to have data files findable at
> was to put them inside the importable package.
> Agreed. There's more engagement with the distros these days (I think)
> but it hasn't resulted in much change in how they handle things yet.
> Paul
> --
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