On 16/02/15 08:37, Jo Walsh wrote:
Does SoTM definitely have a code of conduct? I know the US one did, can
it just be repurposed? (Thinking of this latter because of the
inordinate quantity of online gripe that FOSDEM seemed to get itself
into recently for not having a CoC)

Hello Jo, SotM 2013 had a sort-of code of conduct which can be found at the foot of this page:


My original draft included a couple of examples of what "discrimination or harassment" would include, but my (white, heterosexual, able-bodied, cisgendered, male) fellow team members voted this down because it was "negative".

Unfortunately SotM 2014's website has already gone away, so it's not possible to check whether they had any sort of code of conduct. Maybe somebody knows, though?

For background information, SotM (the global one as opposed to the regional ones) is organised by a completely different team each year, backed up by an OSMF working group for continuity. If we want future SotMs to have a code of conduct (and I certainly think they should!) then a good process would be for us to agree on a recommendation on this list and then propose it to the SotM working group.

As well as a code of conduct for attendees, SotM organisers should have a thought-out policy, agreed in advance, of how to deal with any discrimination or harassment complaints that might arise during SotM. This should involve multiple members of the team hearing the complaint, and acting on it promptly if need be. We agreed such a policy for 2013, but only because I pushed for it, having organised conferences before. Again, the SotM working group needs to impress on future organisers that they need to have such a policy in place.


Dr Jonathan Harley   :    Managing Director    :   SpiffyMap Ltd

j...@spiffymap.net     mobile: 07590 024028     www.spiffymap.com
The Venture Centre, Sir William Lyons Road, Coventry CV4 7EZ, UK

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