
There are lots of shouty babies like that in online discussions. The
challenge is to keep remembering that they're naive/immature (even
though the keyboard hides it) - they sap less of your energy that


2018-03-06 14:56 GMT+00:00 Selene Yang <seleneya...@gmail.com>:
> Hi! I wrote an entry in my OSM diary about diversity
> (https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/SeleneYang/diary/43446)  in the
> community using the OSM Awards as an example, and one of the answers from an
> OSM collaborator was:
> Comentario de cray33 el 6 de marzo de 2018 a las 10:03
> fuck diversity. A man and a woman are different from each other. You can't
> change the nature
> So I guess... Who needs a CoC when we have such an inclusive and well
> mannered community. :sigh: This is not the first time I've read a violent
> response from a community member when it comes to gender related issues. I
> don't know if you recall the `man=made` vs  `human=made` debacle, and yet
> we're still here debating whether or not we need to enforce a CoC.
> I'm truly disappointed in the community.
> Thanks for reading.
> Sele.
> --
> Selene Yang Rappaccioli
> Candidata Doctoral en ComunicaciĆ³n
> Universidad Nacional de La Plata
> @SeleneYang
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