On 3/18/2018 3:23 PM, Charlotte Wolter wrote:

A kindergarten is a school, not a child-care center. They are two fundamentally different things. Also, child-care centers serve a range of ages, not just 5-year-olds. I, too, tried to find a real child-care tag a few months ago. There is none, and "kindergarten" doesn't cut it.

In American English kindergarten has this meaning, but amenity=kindergarten is used for "Use the amenity=kindergarten for establishments offering early years education and supervision (also known as pre-schools) for children up to the age of formal (often mandatory) school education. This tag is also currently used for establishments where parents can leave their young children but which provide no formal education."

When we get to specific uses, it is used for "a day facility for children, covering a wider and overlapping range of crèche children (0-3 years), kindergarten/preschool (3-6 years), and after-school care for primary school children (6-12 years)"

I was looking for child-care a few months ago, and the places that I found that were also in OSM were mapped with amenity=kindergarten.

Don't worry too much about the meaning of OSM tags in American English. They're supposed to be defined in British English, and even then, the meaning can shift as people use it, just like language can.
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