HI folks, building on last year's Open Gender Monologues, I am submitting a
session for SOTM on Diversity and Inclusion. The deadline is today but I am
hoping we can all co-create the plans.

"The OSM community is global and diverse. Building on last year's Open
Heroines conversation, we will co-create a space for OSM to talk about how
to improve diversity and inclusion in our amazing project. All welcome. "

How can OSM be more diverse and inclusive? Join us to share your lessons
and ideas on how we might grow and support a Diversity and Inclusive
approach in OSM. This is an activity taking place across other 'open'

We will ask participants to co-create plans and identify how we might
incorporate it into small and big activities within the global network.

The format will be co-created with some potential outcomes. The goal is to
be a conversation with interactive, participatory methods and some small
group work.

See more about this topic:

All the best


Heather Leson
Twitter/skype: HeatherLeson
Blog: textontechs.com
Diversity-talk mailing list
Code of Conduct: 
Contact the mods (private): diversity-talk-ow...@openstreetmap.org

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