Thanks for this discussion.

When we wrote the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team Code of Conduct and
process, I started collecting examples of practices across open
communities. You can find this list here.
The HOT code of conduct can be found here
Our Resolution process - guidance for how to improve

Our OSM Etiquette guidance has some of the 'sentiment'

What is missing is - the norms, culture and, sadly, the enforcement to make
the wider community space a safe and inclusive space.

I really appreciate how Mozilla has worked to openly discuss diversity and
I even asked their wider network for guidance on how we should run or 2019
SOTM session. There are many allies in the open space who have been here.
Let's learn from them. I believe in OSM and know that many of us are
observing, doing and making this a healthy space.

thank you


Heather Leson
Twitter/skype: HeatherLeson

On Thu, Jan 9, 2020 at 9:28 AM Rory McCann <> wrote:

> Hi all!
> I am your friendly admin of this mailing list, which has a CoC (link in
>   footer of all emails).
> On 08/01/2020 05:17, Marc Gemis wrote:
> > Would a Code of Conduct also apply to social media that are not
> > controlled by OSM/OSMF? E.g. Twitter is currently used by a certain
> > part of the community to ridicule and criticize people writing on
> > the mailing lists.
> For the record, the CoC for this list applies to regular social media,
> like Twitter. If you make racist (etc.) comments on public forums like
> that, then you can be banned from this list. If you see someone doing
> that, please feel free to email the mods at
> There are several different styles of CoCs. They aren't all the same.
> This CoC does not ban general incivility, you can swear on twitter (I
> do). If you rudely, or civilly, promote sexism (etc), then you may be
> removed from this list. Different spaces may have different CoCs.
> Here are some quotes from our CoC:
> > The diversity-talk moderators reserve the right not to act on
> > complaints regarding:
> >
> > • Reasonable communication of boundaries, such as “leave me alone,”
> >   “go away,” or “I’m not discussing this with you.”
> > • Communicating in a ‘tone’ you don’t find congenial
> > • Criticizing racist, sexist, cissexist, or otherwise oppressive
> >   behavior or assumptions
> > ...
> > This code of conduct applies to the diversity-talk mailing list, but
> > if you are being harassed by a member of the diversity-talk mailing list
> > outside our spaces, we still want to know about it. We will take all
> > good-faith reports of harassment by diversity-talk mailing list members,
> > especially diversity-talk moderators/admins, seriously. This includes
> > harassment outside our spaces and harassment that took place at any
> > point in time. The abuse team reserves the right to exclude people from
> > the diversity-talk mailing list based on their past behavior, including
> > behavior outside the diversity-talk mailing list and behavior towards
> > people who are not on the diversity-talk mailing list.
> On 08/01/2020 07:37, Clifford Snow wrote:
> > we should focus on what we have influence over
> Correct. We do not have control over what someone does on Twitter/etc.
> But we have control over who is a member of this mailing list.
> As always, I am willing to have a good faith conversation in private
> with any OSMer about CoCs & “diversity” if they don't like what they
> hear. Maybe I can change your mind. Maybe you can change my mind. Maybe
> this topic is misunderstood.
> --
> Rory
> _______________________________________________
> Diversity-talk mailing list
> Code of Conduct:
> Contact the mods (private):
Diversity-talk mailing list
Code of Conduct:
Contact the mods (private):

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