Thanks for sharing Myrle!
This is great indeed!
It would be great for the ASF to talk more about the ongoing efforts and
the support it has provided to make OSS more inclusive and diverse.

On Thu, 7 Nov 2019 at 22:50, Ross Gardler
<> wrote:

> Thanks for sharing Myrle. When will the ASF make a similar statement?
> Ross
> ________________________________
> From: Myrle Krantz <>
> Sent: Thursday, November 7, 2019 1:19 PM
> To: <>
> Subject: Statement from the OSI
> It starts like this:
> "OSI applauds the efforts of every individual who has ever spoken up and
> taken steps to make free, libre, and open source software communities more
> inclusive. Without you, the movement would be less vibrant, less welcoming,
> and irreversibly diminished."
> Best Regards,
> Myrle

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