Hi everyone.

i have been working on a support bot module for my chat system that needs to
open a chat room and invite
 a support user and the client into it.

i have been trying to get the current vhost so i can do some user checking
but i cant seem to get to it.
i used $self->{vhost} but it doesn't return anything.
i notice that the vhost and domain is used in
do i need to include some other modules to get at these variables?

this is my process_text function.

sub process_text {
    my ($self, $text, $from, $ctx) = @_;
    my $default_intro = "for support type support";
    my $roomname = $from;
    $roomname =~ s/[EMAIL PROTECTED]//;
    my $domain = $self->{domain};
    my $vhost = $self->{vhost};
# these don't return anything
    $logger->debug("domain : '$domain'");
    $logger->debug("vhost : '$vhost'");
    my $response = "";
    $logger->debug("'$vhost': '$from' asking '$text'");

    if ($text eq "support") {
        # open chat room
        my $room = DJabberd::Plugin::MUC::get_room($self. $roomname);
# this kills the connection with the client but not the server.
        # invite support staff to chat room
        # really not sure how to do this either???
    } elsif ($text eq "help") {
        $response = $default_intro;
    } else {
        $response = $default_intro;


the error i get when the chat room creating fails is
ERROR DJabberd.Connection.ClientIn             2 disconnected
DJabberd::Connection::ClientIn=ARRAY(0x1cb2010) because: Can't use string
("DJabberd::Bot::ActiveTech=HASH(0") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in
use at lib/DJabberd/Plugin/MUC.pm line 224, <DATA> line 924.

i am guessing that happens because $self->{domain} and $self->{vhost} don't

what am i doing wrong?

thanks in advance

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