Eugene Lazutkin wrote:

Care to share these reasons or provide a link to reasons you support? Unfortunately all this client-server separation is a marriage of convenience, which is mostly created by network speed. Trust me: as network speed grows, client-server separation will be less defined.
I should've been clearer indeed... Sorry.
I didn't mean physical separation of client and server logic across network (though it won't go away in the near future). What I did mean is the separation of presentational logic traditionally placed on client side and model/buisness logic traditionally placed on server side. If we have a technology allowing a developer to make calls from presentation logic directly into some arbitrary model code then we break this separation. This is bad (allow me not to descend into an academic-style discussion why).

What I was trying to say is that I'm agains 'Ajax support' only if it means what I described above - mindless mixing of architecture levels. But I have nothing against things you metioned elsewhere in this thread like using Ajax powered lookups in a bundled admin app.

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