Presumably this needs the same behaviour as a Manager i.e. doesn't
cache.  So the the filter method needs to return a non-caching
QuerySet.  To get a caching version, you would have to do .all(), so
you would have to do this everytime you actually wanted to get data:


Have not been following the discussion very closely, but why not have a parameter use_cache (defaulting to True) in the get_list and making it completely explicit. Sometimes I like the conveniece of not storing something in a variable, like from within a template, and calling the get_list [or get_set or whatever it is called in this branch] multiple times ( {% if object.get_related_list %} {% for related_item in object.get_related_list %} # do something ... ) while at other times I need the accurate current list.

Amit Upadhyay
Blog: http://www.rootshell.be/~upadhyay

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