Hi Adrian,

I'm new to Django - but I have written a metaclass based ORM before and I *have* seen psyco do weird things - sometimes causing a spontaneous crash.   Maybe include a disclaimer that "your mileage may vary" if you turn on psyco.


On 2/3/06, Adrian Holovaty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 2/3/06, Wojtek/brandlay.com <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just finished testing it with FCGI and it gives a 2x speed gain after
> enabling it in the WSGIHandler.  I posted a patch with it
> http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/1323
> Hopefuly someone will add it to the trunk :)  I'm going to test it on
> all my pages in a minute and then enable on all my servers.  Maybe the
> load will go down to 50 from 100 now :)

Hey Wojtek,

Thanks for this patch. I've added it to trunk. My only concern is that
the Psyco Web page says "[t]here are some subtle semantic differences
(i.e. bugs) with the way Python works; they should not be apparent in
most programs." Perhaps some of Django's current magic, implemented by
advanced features such as metaclasses, could trigger these subtle
bugs. Keep us posted on the results of your tests.


Adrian Holovaty
holovaty.com | djangoproject.com | chicagocrime.org

"Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity."  - Hanlon's Razor

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