I wrote a working solution today for a challenge, I just wanted throw
around some ideas before submitting a patch - even though it's probably
a pointless gesture this close to a major merge. Here's a summary:

First of all, none of this requires client side encryption but it's
used if Javascript is on.

A new password encryption method using psuedo-random salt based on
username was required. This way the salt can be calculated client-side
before login.

Every login attempt, a unique key is stored in the user's session and
sent with the login form as a hidden form item.

JS works out the hash - sha1(pw + username_salt).

Then rather than sending the hash stored in the database, the hash is
hashed for extra security:
- random_salt created
- sha1(pw+onetime_login_salt+random_salt)
- random_salt+'$'+hashed_hash stored back in the hidden form item
- password set to ''

So, thoughts?

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