On 5/25/06, lazaridis_com <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At this point, Django's persistency layer seems intresting, but the
> evaluation uncovered a few weaknesses, most importantly the lack of
> schema evolution support:
> http://case.lazaridis.com/multi/wiki/DjangoProductEvaluation

Schema evolution support has already been discussed at length. See:
http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/SchemaEvolution but it's not
implemented yet.

You also may want to add SqlAlchemy to your list. It's pretty cool,
although in the early stages of development. There's a Google Summer
of Code project just starting to add schema evolution support to
SqlAlchemy as well.

> Overview of resulting simplification issues:
> * Replace command "django-admin.py" by "django-admin" or "django"
> * Replace command "manage.py" by "django"

These are kind of appealing to me, but my inner skeptic just screams
"name churn". Adrian Holovaty is the final word on things like this

> * Enable sqlite3 database / filename by default

I personally wouldn't want this. Where do you propose putting the
database file? I *always* use absolute paths for sqlite db's. If you
use relative paths, it's relative to your current directory, not
relative to the location of the settings file. This could get really
confusing for newbies if they execute manage.py from a different
working directory.

> * Externalize database settings (e.g. dbdefault.py)

You can do this already... that's the beauty of using python for
settings. Just import * or whatever from the appropritate module in
your main settings file.

> * Enable Admin application by default

This has been discussed and dismissed serveral times already.

> * Create a superuser by default (e.g. user:admin / pass:django)

-1. The slight convenience doesn't make up for the security implications IMO.

> * Rename "startapp" to "createapp"

Once again, name churn.

> Solving those Issues would allow to produce a Django-Quick-Start which
> could be taken within 5 minutes (+ Installation Effort), which would
> allow intrested parties to come quickly in contact with Django.

You could provide your own project skeleton that would take care of
all of this. There's no real need to change Django to accomplish any
of the items above. I'd argue that splitting out the database config
makes things *more* complicated. Part of the beauty of django is that
it doesn't (in the paraphrased words of someone else, I forget who)
"shit all over your filesystem like rails"

> I would be intrested to creat a skeleton for the "Database Schema
> Evolution" (I have implemente a very simply one for a Ruby ORM).

See the link above.

> To do so, I would need some feedback from the developers list.
> Can I rely on this?

People are generally pretty helpful, but skeptical here. You generally
need code and use cases to back up your ideas. Like any open source
project though, we all work for free, so no promises.

Thanks for taking the time to write all of this up. Everyone here
pretty much has the current way things work engrained in our brains at
this point and it's nice to see other perspectives. Your quick start
looks promising. I hope you keep working on it.


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