Before I get into the details, I think I should introduce myself.
My name is Doug Napoleone and I have only been using django for about 6
months. I worked on the PyCon06 PyCon-Tech project and am trying to
kick off the PyCon07 tech work.

> May I interest you in the "Authenticating against Django's user
> database from Apache" document?
> Adrian

There are two issues with the current auth mod_python handler.
1. it doesn't support rich control
    i.e. does user A belong to group B and is the sub directory under
this <location> the users directory (given some custom extended user
model). This work can be done using the current handler as a template
and rolling your own, or come up with something more generic. The Idea
is to instead of denoting the permissions on the apache side with
passed in env, have the auth be dynamicly configurable on the django
side based on user, group, request path, etc.

2. it doesn't work with fastcgi.
    I am stuck with fastcgi for PHP reasons.

I believe that it is possable to create an extended auth bridge between
apache and django with minimal work. I will not get to this for a few
months, so I thought I would document what I have come up with so far.

If you have django as a fastcgi then you can use it directly for
handling auth verification using:

<Location /protected>
  AuthName ProtectedMedia
  AuthType Basic

(or put the above in the parant directory .htaccess file, sans the
<location> tags)

FastCgiAccessChecker - for verifying ip address and other header checks
    return either 403 (Forbidden) or 200 (OK)
FastCgiAuthenticator - for verifying user/password
    401 (Unauthorized) for:
        no user credentials
        invalid credentials
    200 (OK)
FastCgiAuthorizer - for verifying access
    401 (Unauthorized) - good creds, but no access
    200 (OK)

Not all need to be supplied/handled.
Apache will send the full request (but the response is just an auth
response like the current mod_python auth handler). The resuest has two
additional variables in the environment:
    FCGI_ROLE == 'AUTHORIZER' (think its 'RESPONDER' for normal
        ACCESS_CHECKER - when called from FastCgiAccessChecker

A standard middleware could detect these and dispatch to a standardized
auth request interface. I say standardized because the mod_python auth
handler could be modified to use this auth request interface directly
(instead of going through the request handler/middleware framework.) I
need to read up more on the PythonAuthenHandler stuff, but I believe it
has similar distinctions to the FastCgi ones.

The coolness does not stop there (for FastCgi).
Each of the 3 auth request types have an 'Authoritative'  flag which
defaults to on.
If turned off, the request is passed to the next apache auth system if
its not 200 (OK).

<Location /protected>
  AuthName ProtectedMedia
  AuthType Basic
  FastCgiAuthenticatorAuthoritative off
  FastCgiAuthorizerAuthoritative off
  AuthUserFile /etc/conf/httpd.conf/auth/admin.auth
  require user administrator

So if the user is logging in as the apache administrator, even if they
do not have django creds, they will have access.

You can also pass information in via SetEnv.
Your fastcgi auth's can also modify the headerand it will stick to the
next level.
This is usefull for the above example because you may not want to do
the user lookup or passwd check a second time for the
FastCgiAuthorizer. FastCgiAuthenticator can set its status, which
FastCgiAuthorizer  can then read and use.

All that needs to be done now is to come up with something that makes
sence for the Auth interface. I believe this is already being done on
the MultiAuth branch.

The end user instructions will be use a new mod_python auth handler for
mod_python, or use a new AuthApacheFastCgi middleware for fastcgi.

I would love some help working on this.


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