On 21 Jun 2006, at 17:48, James Bennett wrote:

> And while we're at it, let's get serious about input handling. The
> first thing which occurs to me is to add a 'hasNoHTML' validator in
> django.core.validators; possibly this would be accompanied by a
> boolean 'allows_html' argument to TextFields and CharFields, or maybe
> we just advertise judicious use of validator_list. Either way, the
> documentation should emphasize as strongly as possible that it exists
> and should be used.

Completely agree on input handling. Django's current validation stuff  
is reasonable but it's not quite good enough - there are some crufty  
things in the existing system (do_html2python is one particularly  
noticeable wart) but it's still not easy enough to see how you would  
validate a form that is nothing to do with a data model - a "contact  
me" form for example. The manipulator API simply isn't easy enough to  

More to the point though, the smartest technique for input validation  
I've seen is this kind of thing:

email = get_valid_email_address_from_GET_field('email')
age = get_positive_integer_from_POST_field('age')
date = get_python_date_from_GET_field('date')

Obviously those are ludicrous function names, but it should be clear  
what they are doing. Rather than directly accessing GET and POST data  
you do it through some mechanism that /guarantees/ the format of the  
data returned - and raises an exception if it can't make that  
guarantee. There is no possible way of invalid data ending up in the  
email and age variables, so once you're past that bit of code you can  
continue safe in the knowledge that the data is at least in the right  

Obviously I haven't figured out exactly how the API for this should  
look, but I think the core concept is really powerful.



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