gabor wrote:
> currently my plan is to have the following behaviour:
> 1. i assume that every GET/POST param comes in encoded as 
> settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET, and will decode it accordingly. if it fails, 
> then it fails.

Assuming "you got served" with settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET, then sure.

> 3. will assume the database is in DEFAULT_CHARSET
>       - maybe can we somehow ask the db for it's charset?

It would be a start.

 > so, what do you think?
 > or should we make it possible to have a system with mixed charsets?

I could imagine serving web content with one encoding, but lumping 
things in and out of the db with another.I guess people will need mixed 
encodings - like wanting to serve utf8 rss feeds, but have latin1 come 
in and out of mysql.  But so long as we sweep out bytestrings inside 
django for unicode objects, mixed i/o should be possible to add on later.

Would being able to spec the db char encoding via be a 
needed option, or is that even possible across databases?


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