On Mon, 2006-09-18 at 22:38 -0700, world_domination_kites wrote:
> Thank's for the reply Malcom,
> > > I can't change the table names, since the whole point of this exercise
> > > is to make a cheep admin interface to a legacy app.
> > Sorry, I wasn't being clear: you don't have to change the database table
> > names. If there's a mismatch between what Django wants to call the table
> > and what it's really called, you can control the names Django expects to
> > find using the db_table attribute on the Meta inner class (see [1]).
> My model was created with inspectdb, so the column and table names are
> imported from Oracle (therefor 30 characters or less). I actually only
> ran into trouble when I tried to syncdb - it's auth_message and friends
> that are producing the troublesome long names.

Aah, ok. Now I understand why you are taking this approach.

> I have only looked at Meta inner classes superficially - could they
> also know about constraint names of foreign keys?

See below for a potential terminology problem. We don't care about the
constraint names, for the most part, just the column names.

> > > I came up with changing quote_name because it was obviously the
> > > interface between base stuff and backend specific stuff . i.e. it's a
> > > boundary where Oracle pecularities should be prevented from infesting
> > > the Django base. The crazy bit in my first idea was using regex - it
> > > smells like a whole bushel of moles, but the boundary seems sensible to
> > > me.
> > >
> > > I have come to suspect that somewhere something has to have
> > > repsonsability for knowing what foreign key constraint names mean,
> > > since (in Oracle at least) the constraint name itself is to stupid to
> > > hold that much information.
> >
> > I don't understand what you are talking about here. The constraint name
> > is just a string for human consumption. It has no implicit meaning in
> > any database.
> Yeah sorry, I'll try not to be so abstract / peculiar in the future. I
> was being fast and loose with the "assignment of responsability" object
> modeling heuristic, where the "responsability" was conveying usefull
> information about what constraints are, and it is either being assigned
> to the constraint name, or somewhere else.
> Oracle uses constraint names as unique identifiers (and references) in
> it's data dictionary. See here:
> sql = """
>         select
>               UC.TABLE_NAME this_table,
>             UCC.COLUMN_NAME this_col,
>             UCC2.COLUMN_NAME that_col,
>             UC2.TABLE_NAME that_table
>         from
>             USER_CONS_COLUMNS UCC,
>               USER_CONSTRAINTS UC,
>               USER_CONS_COLUMNS UCC2,
>               USER_CONSTRAINTS UC2
>         and     UC.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'R'
>         and       UC2.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'P'
>         and   UCC.TABLE_NAME = '%s'
>         """ % (table_name)
> (that works in django.db.backends.oracle.get_names(), by the way.)

In normal SQL terminology a constraint is a restriction on a column. It
could be to bind it to always refer to another table's and column (i.e.
a foreign) key or the other standard things (trying to establish my
baseline, not teach you to suck eggs). It just happens that you can name
constraints, but you don't have to (in which case, the database server
may or may not give it an internal name). Constraint names are really
only useful for debugging (they pop up in error messages when you really
screw up) and sometimes if you are tweaking a manually created index (on
some databases; haven't done much Oracle low-level optimisation work, so
I'm not sure of all the possibilities there).

Your query above looks like you are just doing joins on columns from
tables. Are you saying that some of those things in the "from" clause
are not actually tables or views? I've done a fair bit of Oracle
database programming and haven't ever come across that, since it's
always seemed like Oracle used constraints just like every other
database: as a restriction condition on columns.

Under that (traditional) terminology, Django doesn't care what the
constraints are called, or even if they have names, because it doesn't
ever refer to them explicitly. The database enforces the constraints and
lets you know when you mess up. However, Django does know about the
column names for foreign key references, obviously, since it needs them
to construct queries.

So are you really talking about the names for the columns that happen to
be foreign keys, or are we in a non-standard corner of Oracle land that
I haven't stumbled into before? (I'm willing to believe either option;
Oracle never ceases to surprise me.)

> It's not implicit meaning, but it is more than "just human
> consumption".
> <snip>
> > > Am I right to think that "quote_name" should have responsability for
> > > knowing what constraint/table/column name to use.
> >
> > No, it shouldn't. All that function does is turn a string (which could
> > be a table name or column name) into something that can be passed to the
> > database. It is not given any context for that, just the string to
> > convert. At the moment, it pretty much just wraps quotes around things
> > in case there are spaces in the names.
> I can see that quote-adding is _what_ it does, but I figured the reason
> _why_ is because individual backends have their own DDL dialects, and
> the string-fiddeling to turn them into acceptable
> column/table/constraint names is potentially different for different
> backends.
> If Oracle required major fiddeling - to the point of replacing one
> string with a completely different one - then the db.backend.oracle
> version of quote_name might be the place to do that.

Modulo the fact that you can't tell whether it's a table name or column
name you are quoting, your understanding is correct. You'll never get a
constraint name passed into quote_name(), since we never need to refer
to those; only column and table names.


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