sbain wrote:
> How would one now recommend that a new Windows developer install Django
> in a such a way as to facilitate keeping his Django updated to the
> trunk?

I only dabble with Django from time to time, but here is how I have it
set up (the following assumes C:\Python24\ as the root):

1.  svn checkout into Lib/site-packages/django-src

2.  Create Lib/site-packages/django.pth file with the following line as
its only content:

3.  Create Scripts/django-admin.bat file with the following line as its
only content:
C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\django-src\django\bin\ %*

4.  Make sure C:\Python24\Scripts is on your PATH, and django-admin
works just like it does in the documentation.

5.  Stay up to date with svn up Lib/site-packages/django-src

A slight pain to set it up this way, but once everything is in place it
is smooth sailing.  I did all this specifically because I didn't want
to use setuptools/ez_install.

Hope this helps,


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