On 2/17/07, oggie rob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I find it useful to have the {% for %} tag syntax extended so that one can 
> > write:
> > {% for a,b in L %} meaning the obvious thing


> You can do this. a,b return type is implicitly (a,b) in Python. In
> other words:
> {% for x in L %}
>  {{ x.0 }}
>  {{ x.1 }}
> {% endfor %}

well yes, but you have to admit that
{% for name, description in list %}
 {{ name }} - {{ description }}
{% endfor %}
looks way better ;)
just some syntax sugar, but I think it's actually useful

> >  Also (maybe more contentious):
> > {% for i in L1,L2 %} meaning what one would write in python as:
> > for i in zip(L1,L2)

+0 - I like this feature, but I didn't know when I first looked at it
whether its a zip() or concatenation, that should be clear

> This is starting to look like more logic in the template than you
> would normally use. I think the idea of the {% for %} tag has been
> (and should be) to be able to easily cycle through collections of data
> you've already set up. Most of the time you don't have to manipulate
> them in any way other than how you've collected the data in the first
> place. If you *DO* need to manipulate them, you should use views, not
> templates.
> You can also write your own tag to do the same - however, I still
> think the work should be done in the view.

well, I can see a use case for this - if you want to iterate over
multiple lists at a time... for example if you want to render
something to columns rather that rows in a table, that's a change that
shouldn't require a change to the view function, yet it is near
impossible to achieve withou custom filters or tags...

> My .02

and mine ;)

>  -rob
> >

Honza Kr�l
ICQ#:   107471613
Phone:  +420 606 678585

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