On Wed, 2007-03-21 at 18:10 +0000, jbronn wrote:
> > It's sleeping right now. The upcoming refactoring of Django's QuerySet
> > mechanism looks like it'll make working with other ORMs a bit easier,
> > so if someone wants to come back and revisit it then it'd be a bit
> > less of an ambitious project ;)
> Is there any place (e.g. a trac page) where interested parties can
> check out the progress on the QuerySet refactor?  Since I recently
> completed PostGIS integration for the GeoDjango branch (will be
> committed to SVN branch pending Jeremy Dunck's approval), I have an
> active interest in what you guys plan on doing in there.

Not yet. I'll put up a wiki page when I get a chance. Haven't been
working on this lately, since I've been putting my idle cycles into
getting ready for 0.96. That seems to be settled now, so I can go back
to this. Will try to get something up tomorrow or on the weekend.

I assume you've read the original thread on this
That describes the approach. The rough first pass that Honza Kral posted
later in the thread is surprisingly close to what I've written as well.
The actual implementation is really a two-pass process: first just a
refactoring so that we split out the database-dependent bits into a
Query set class that is used inside QuerySet, etc. This would be more or
less bug-for-bug compatible with existing code (it might fix a bugs in
passing; I'm not going to concern myself too much with not accidently
fixing bugs). Pass two is then making sure we fix the couple of dozen
open SQL generation bugs. This was really the motivation for the
refactor, since it's currently very hard to tweak SQL generation (as
you've no doubt noticed) in the current form.

Hopefully you're also aware that Jeremy's and I have had a short
discussion on this list (in the above thread, towards the end) about how
to have the GIS fields generate the right SQL, since they're different
from other fields. I'm still not completely in love with the solution we
settled on, but I am aware of it, so I'll keep an eye on your branch as
well to help make any transition easier.

Anyway, like I said, since 0.96 is out the door, I'm going to ease back
a little (not completely,obviously) from only fixing other peoples'
problems and do some development work of my own and this is one of the
things I'll be working on.

> On a related note, Brian Beck has some implementation ideas on how
> he'd go about integrating SQLAlchemy:
> http://blog.case.edu/bmb12/2007/03/thinking_about_taking_over_the_djangosqlalchemy_branch

Yeah, I saw that. Not sure I'd use exactly the approach he's advocating
-- I suspect he's splitting off at too high a level, since there's not
that much database dependency up at the model layer -- but it's not a
bad way to approach the problem and certainly has the "working in
increments" good feeling about it. Will be interesting to see what


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