On 4/18/07, Jacob Kaplan-Moss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4/18/07, Daniel Brandt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Something has been bugging me for a while..
> This type of complaint seems to come up every few months. I'm always tempted 
> to
> ignore it because I have a hard time responding in a way that doesn't end up
> making me sound like a dick; usually that temptation wins out.
> I'm gonna give an answer a try this time. I'll try as hard as I can to not be 
> a
> jerk -- that's totally not my intention -- but if I fail I hope you'll forgive
> me.

First of all: Thank you a lot for taking the time to respond..

> Like the vast majority open-source projects, Django is 100% volunteer-driven.
> Every single bit of work is done by somebody in his or her spare time. We all
> have some combination of full-time jobs, wives, families and hobbies competing
> for our time. Obviously spending time on mailing lists is Yet Another Time 
> Suck.
> I know this isn't your intention, but when I see an email like yours I feel 
> like
> I'm being reprimanded for having a real life. I suspect most other developers
> feel the same way.

I understand exactly what you are saying here (family man myself),
open source is a "hard hat zone", and it wares you out at times taking
all the comments and keep on working.

> I think it's very easy to underestimate the amount of work required in
> checking in a patch. It seems like a simple handful-of-lines patch like yours
> should be a no-brainer, but there's a whole bunch of steps I (or any
> other bug fixer) has to go through before we can check a fix in:

Just to be clear, I'm not the author of the patch, I simply found it useful.

> And adding new developers to a project is *hard*. We want to be completely 
> sure
> that we trust someone before giving them commit access. Sure, we could switch 
> to
> a model like PHP where anyone with a patch gets commit access, but then we'd
> risk turning out like, well, PHP.
> Finally: this is open source. Nothing prevents you from modifying your
> code in any way you want; you don't need my permission or the checkin
> of your patch in order to use it.

Fully agree.. What I am interested in finding out is if this really is
a good direction to turn, maintaning what essentially is a private
fork, and then use it in a production environment? The issue with it
being in the "official" django tree is that there are alot more people
out there  using that codebase and improving on it. Keeping my own
fork would mean less to no peer review.

> Once again I'm very sorry if any of the above comes off as dickish. I
> really do feel your pain, and I wish more than anything that I could
> spend more time on Django (while still being able to pay the
> mortgage).

Man, I'd pay your mortgage if I could as a thank you for helping to
bring dajngo about. Thank you again for taking the time to respond,
this answered of things I've been thinking about..


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