The limitation of Django's single database, single connection paradigm
is one that I have been recently grappling with.  In a recent
discussion in the users group, I went so far as to call it an
"unfortunate" design decision.  While I agree that the label I chose
is purely a subjective value call, I do think that the design decision
nonetheless has long term implications for the future adoption and
positioning of Django with respect to the brave new world of Python
web frameworks.  The idea that a web application is tied explicitly to
a single database via a single connection (and for some database
engines implicitly a single schema) will have a profound impact on the
types of situations that Django finds itself in.  For me to suggest
how the framework should be designed or what types of use cases it
should be targeted for is ludicrous, but I would encourage the
developers to make this limitation more visible in the documentation
and perhaps to highlight the scenarios where Django will work and in
which scenarios the framework might not be an appropriate choice.

I came to Django initially from a hobbyist standpoint - picked it up
based on recommendations and based on personal evaluation that the
development philosophies and community embody what I like to see. For
throwing experimental sites together, prototyping, creating personal
tools and utilities I think that Django is a tremendous and powerful
framework.  I am aware that Django is in use in some high traffic
sites and clearly it is up to the task.  Being excited about using a
framework that makes development more fun, I naturally made the
decision to bring Django into my job.  I'd love to use it to create
back office tools and applications, and in time I would like to use it
for public facing web sites once everyone is comfortable with its
existence in our organization.  This is where I quickly ran into
trouble. For example, I'd like to expose data from legacy databases
via basic CRUD-type interfaces.  The problem is that our Sr. Data
Architect who has 20+ years experience (more than 10 years my senior),
doesn't want his transactional or warehouse databases "cluttered" with
framework meta tables.  Frankly, I agree with his reasoning and its
simply a battle that I won't even put in the effort to try to win.  In
another scenario I would like to do what foob described above, allow
the user authentication to also specify the database user
credentials.  Again this is simply not "possible" with the out-of-the-
box framework.  Now, it may be possible with simple tweak or a
pattern, but as of yet I haven't seen anything "official" that allows
for this kind of flexibility.  I have begun poking around the code in
search of a non-intrusive way to allow for specifying connections on a
per session or even per request basis.

As Max pointed out, there are both security and overhead costs
associated with increasing flexibility with respect to database
connections.  I do greatly appreciate that the developers take
security and performance to heart and don't necessarily integrate a
feature just because it might save someone a few lines of code.  There
is a fine line here and my belief is that this debate will become a
focal point for the make-or-break future acceptance of Django into the
web development community - especially in the enterprise space.  I
don't want to just assume that Max's point of view accurately or
completely represents the sentiments of the development team, but
based on other discussions I have seen I feel like this may be the
case.  As a professional software engineer, I understand that every
language, tool, command, and program that I use carries with it some
trade off - performance vs. ease of use, rapid creation vs.
flexibility/customization, size vs. speed, etc.  It is up to me to be
cognizant of what those trade offs are and to understand how they
affect what I am creating.  Think about choosing an automobile.  One
can choose from trucks, SUVs, station wagons, hybrids, sedans, town
cars, etc.  Each of those automobiles carries a trade off when
evaluated across different categories.  The point is I can choose to
drive a Geo Metro down the freeway in order to reduce fuel
consumption, knowing that if someone inadvertently bumps me it will
take the jaws-of-life to get me out of the wreckage (no offense to Geo
Metro owners).    It seems like the Django group is taking a Microsoft-
ish philosophy here - "we've decided for you what your database and
access policies should be.  If you have a need to communicate with
more than one database or schema, or to dynamically specify the user
credentials for a database connection, simply redesign your database
schema(s) and access policies before continuing."

When taking a stance like this, I think it would be fair to those
getting started with or evaluating Django for the first time to
specify that:
Django may not be a good choice in the following scenarios:
* You want to interface with a legacy database and for policy or
permissions reasons are not able to create tables on that database.
* Your application communicates with multiple databases or schemas.
For example, transactional data lives in one database, reference data
lives in another database, administrative data lives in a different
schema and archive/audit data lives in yet another database.
* Your application uses multiple database connection credentials.  For
example users are associated with database accounts and you would like
to have database access take place under these accounts so that
database access policies can be managed within the database rather
than one or more external applications.  Another example is using
different accounts for read/write access or on a per table basis.

While it may be the collective opinion of the developers that the
above examples only represent extreme or rare cases, my personal
feeling is that these types of scenarios are really not that
uncommon.  In enterprise scenarios or even scenarios where just
scaling is the focus, I believe that logical and sound reasons can be
made for all of the above.   Going back to the car analogy, those of
us who take driving seriously (probably most of us to some relative
degree) understand that a car is indeed a powerful machine and its use
requires some learning ahead of time, practice, respect for safety,
and an assumption of physical conditions met: reasonable eyesight, use
of an arm and a leg, alertness, sobriety.  Does that mean that
everyone who chooses to drive an automobile meets those conditions?
No.  We can't force safe practice upon everyone but we can strongly
encourage it. In the end it is the individual's responsibility to
follow through on their own education and well being.  When I see
responses like "on
the big map of Django features is not a good idea and a good way to
singe people's fingers.  Furthermore, for the majority of cases this
sort of database authentication is overkill and bad for
it makes me a little sad.  I would like to believe that between the
collective 30 years of experience between myself and our sr. data
architect we can decide for ourselves if the overhead of a connection
per request on an intranet application that might make one request per
minute is a valid use case.  If our data architect is comfortable with
allowing an intranet application to specify the connection based on
the application user's credentials why shouldn't we be "allowed" to
operate our application in that manner?  So at the end of my rant
here, the conclusion is that I feel like I've outlined why Django will
not work well in enterprise settings based on my experience with what
I'd like to say are common design decisions.  It could very well be
that the framework is not and never will be intended to be used in
enterprise settings.  No problem.  I just think it would be helpful to
either clarify that this is the case or at least provide some sort of
road map for when parties interested in adopting Django can check back
in to see if it will meet their needs.


On May 9, 1:47 am, foobarmus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for the response, Max. It's very to the point. Much
> appreciated.
> > Yes.  The conventional wisdom that everyone "should know" is never to
> > use such web to database pass-through authentication for anything
> > bigger than an intranet application behind corporate firewalls/VPNs.
> > There are huge security concerns with any sort of pass-through
> > authentication, and putting a pass-through authentication into a
> > public-facing website is just asking for crackers to sit there and
> > pound your site for any and every SQL injection they can think of.
> > Pass-through authentication *can* be just as devastating as allowing
> > direct remote connections to your database.
> I can't argue this point until I've read more about it, but can't they
> do this anyway? Also, If the accounts you're passing through have the
> correct levels of access to objects in the database, they shouldn't be
> able to be dangerously abused, or is there something else I'm missing?
> > If you are willing to _meticulously_ audit every security implication
> > then good luck.
> Maybe I am, I dunno yet
> > For a general purpose framework like Django adding support for this
> > without big flashing warning signs and a general "HERE BE DRAGONS" on
> > the big map of Django features is not a good idea and a good way to
> > singe people's fingers.  Furthermore, for the majority of cases this
> > sort of database authentication is overkill and bad for performance
> > (instead of maintaining one long session with the database per thread
> > the framework has to back out and deal with database sessions per
> > request which just reeks of early (pre-auto-session-magic) bad PHP
> > applications).
> Ok, I understand, Thanks for the clarification.
> > Unfortunately it's a bit late and I can't scrounge up some good links
> > on the subject (hopefully someone else can follow up with those), but
> > I hope that I at least have illustrated at least the conventional
> > wisdom with a few smudges of reasoning...
> If anyone can furnish me with some good links about this, please do.
> Regards,
> foob

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