Yeah! This is much cleaner. I need to add ordering to some model
relations (i.e. represent all related values as an ordered list, where
relations can be shifted up & down) to the M2M field, it looks like it
would fit much easier using a manager & concrete Model subclass than
being restricted to a field.

I don't vote often, but +lots.


On May 31, 1:32 pm, "Marty Alchin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been giving a bit of thought into many-to-many relationships
> lately, and I (once again) ran across the task of creating a
> relationship that contained additional information. I know this has
> been bounced around before, but I can't seem to find any substantial
> discussions on the topic, so I wrote up a wiki article[1] with some of
> my thoughts.
> I'll be putting up the code I've got working so far that demonstrates
> that parts of what I wrote up are indeed possible. The rest should be
> as well, but it will probably take some extra discussion and possibly
> some patches to how related managers work. I'll deal with that once I
> figure out what all would be necessary.
> My main reason for bringing it here, however, is to ask if there are
> indeed some previous discussions that I should consider before I go to
> far in my experiments on this subject. Or if I'm just completely off
> my rocker.
> -Gul
> [1]

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