That is the exact purpose for the changes I made to this patch.

It will allow you to subclass and override parts of FileField to store
using other values in the model.

On Jul 24, 7:11 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> I'm not using new forms... but wanted to ask about this since it was
> one of the main reasons I didn't use FileField in my current code
> base... and thought others might have a similar need going forward.
> When I upload files, I'm required to rename them and then move them to
> different directories.  Basically I create a uuid for the file name,
> rename it, then create a directory (if it doesn't exist) using the
> first character of the uuid, I then create a sub directory using
> characters 2 and 3 of the uuid, and move the file there from the
> upload location.  I didn't see a way to do this with FileField or
> ImageField in old forms ( I could have been mistaken, just tell me if
> I am ) ... so I used 'old school' forms and uploaded the files that
> way... and made the file name field a CharField.
> I know that this is a pretty specific example, but I thought it was a
> bit restricting to always assume that all files in a FileField for a
> model would be stored in the same directory off of Media.  It would be
> nice if there was an option to not set the upload_to path in the model
> code, and have the capability of making it different for each entry.
> Figured I'd mention this since you were asking for feedback.
> On Jul 23, 11:01 pm, "Russell Keith-Magee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > On 7/24/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I tried some tricks to get this working as I think it should to keep
> > > backwards compatibility for those with special file naming
> > > requirements.
> > > Please give some feedback and tell me if i'm way off course. :)
> > Hi Oyvind
> > Apologies for not getting back to you on this. I've been clening out a
> > few bugs in the serialization and test systems while I wait for some
> > feedback from Adrian on some other tickets; looking at FileField got
> > pushed off my plate for a bit. Hopefully I will get a chance to look
> > at this ticket again in the very near future (maybe even tonight).
> > Yours,
> > Russ Magee %-)

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