Am 07.09.2007 um 21:07 schrieb Christopher Lenz:
> Am 07.09.2007 um 20:40 schrieb Yuri Baburov:
>>> Or if I'm using Satchmo and I've written an excellent CRM system
>>> in Django,
>>> I want Satchmo to use the shipping and contact information that
>>> I've defined
>>> in my CRM system, and if they both implemented IPerson,
>>> IPostalAddress, and
>>> IPhoneNumber, I could drop in those replacements. Without that,
>>> I'm bound to
>>> either duplicate my data across the two applications, hack Satchmo
>>> to use my
>>> CRM, or constrict my CRM system to require Satchmo.
>> I can see abstract idea. But don't see right implementation idea.
>> 1) You can do this all without all javaish interfaces.
>> Python metamodel is open for changes when program is running.
>> 2) Interfaces are not python way of doing stuff. google: duck typing.
>> Please take my arguments into account and reconsider your idea with
>> them.
> Except that interfaces in Trac's component system (and AFAIK also in
> Zope or PyProtocols) aren't about typing *at all*; they're about
> protocols for using, extending, or replacing functionality
> (components). It might help to actually read up on stuff before
> commenting.

After writing this I realized that the example described by jag here  
was pretty misleading, in particular with respect to the interface  
names chosen (sorry jag ;), which definitely don't reflect correctly  
on how interfaces are used in "the Trac model". So I apologize if my  
reaction here was too harsh.

But as the "we're pythonic, we use duck typing and documentation"  
meme has come up a couple times after that on this thread, let me  
repeat: that frankly has *nothing* to do with the component  
architecture as used in Trac that jag referred to originally.

Christopher Lenz
   cmlenz at

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