Thanks for the responses guys.
Russ what is your feeling about getting multi-db into the repo so that
people can then use it? I'm happy to do the work that I mentioned above in
merging the branch up to date to the point of the backend refactor in trunk,
and after that to start exploring re-factoring the multi-db to leverage some
of the later changes in trunk. But I'd really like to ensure that I can send
the patch to someone and thence get it into the repo. Once we're to that
point maybe we can re-explore the possibilities of me having commit access
to the branch and acting as maintainer. If that's still a no goer, then I
will look at setting up a BZR/SVK/some other public means for people who
have an interest in taking the branch forward.

On 11/09/2007, identify <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> > No problems. If I was too harsh, I apologize. You're not alone in
> > wanting this feature - if you search the archives, there is a
> > reasonable number of people that have expressed an interest - however,
> > this is one of those features that people want, but very few are
> > willing to help out with. After a while, the repeated 'This is a must
> > have feature' messages from people that don't offer to help start to
> > get on the nerves.
> I know this scenario very well, believe me.
> > Welcome to the pool. The water is great! :-)
> I didn't got out since the last three weeks. :-)
> > In case you missed the announcement - we're holding a sprint this
> > Friday. If you want to get your feet wet with the Django internals,
> > why not join in and try your hand at fixing some smaller bugs? I'm
> > sure someone on the day will be able to suggest some suitable
> > candidates.
> I've read the announce. Well - unfortunatetely it IS a friday, what's
> a normal working day for me. But maybe there's time at the evening.
> I'll see...
> >

Ben Ford

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