Anybody has testing the performance of new improvements in session
storage? In changeset was
implementing session backends for filesystem and memcached. This might
improve performance of a site, freeing database for hard work.

On 15 sep, 03:22, David Cramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So in the past months, we've tried several different methods of
> handling caching over at Curse. for the unfamiliar, we're a
> very high traffic dynamic content driven website.
> - Caching frequently used querysets with cache.get()/set()
> - Caching entire views
> - Caching middleware
> Now we've been presented with a few problems.
> - View caching sucks for us, as views have to be invalidated all of
> the time. This CAN be good for some pages, such as entrance pages,
> that get 30-40 req/s on a slow day.
> - Caching middleware won't work for us, we can't cache the entire
> site. Even if they weren't logged in it'd still expire all the time.
> - .get()/.set() rock, but thats way too much code to always write, and
> invalidation sucks.
> So, what are some solutions:
> 1. We continue to use view caching for entrance pages, and find some
> way to standardize keys for .get()/.set()
> The first option can work for some, but is way too time consuming. You
> have to worry about invalidation all the time, and you still need to
> make sure your cache keys are standardized. We invalidated content
> through save() and delete() methods, but this was iffy.
> 2. We develop some uber system, such as the CacheManager we created a
> while back, but with invalidation that actually works.
> This is where I'm asking everyones assistance. Throw any idea you
> have, as this can help not only us, but a LOT of users out there.
> The ideal system would run off an events driven cache.
> - Cache would not have expire times, but rather expire when it's told
> to (signals/save and delete overrides?).
> - The system would generate its own cache keys, and even cache
> requests on its own to prevent inconsistent naming and slipups on
> missing cache calls when needed.
> - Different mechanisms for different data sets. get() requests would
> only expire when events tell it to, .filter() and so on would need to
> be configurable on a per-content(model) basis.
> I believe the CacheManager (a metaclass on your models) was a good
> solution, but may not be ideal. The way it functions is it overrides
> the objects method, and also provides a no_cache method. This works
> great, and if you could override save/delete (we couldn't seem to) you
> could provide invalidation right there for a lot of stuff. We still
> run into the issue of .filter() and .all() caching.
> In our situation pages where we use .filter and .all usually don't
> update instantly, they expire generally from 15 minutes to 1 hour, or,
> on requests where we use sharding, they expires the same as a .get()
> would, by using save/delete overrides.
> Bringing up sharding, is another optimization we did:
> CachedForeignKey. This acted as a preliminary sharding mechanism which
> cached the entire result set in memory from the table and cleared it
> when needed. These were used on keys pointing to tables which would
> hold less than 50-100 entries and used often.
> A good example of the benefits of sharding, and caching the data from
> it:
> class Category(object):
>         parent = models.CachedForeignKey('self')
>         name = models.CharField()
>         def save(self, update_cache=True):
>                 cache.delete(self.parent.get_cache_key())
>         def delete(self, update_cache=True):
>                 cache.delete(self.parent.get_cache_key())
> class MyModel(object):
>         category = models.CachedForeignKey(Category)
>         name = models.CharField()
> This allows `MyModel.objects.all()` to give you the same results as
> `MyModel.objects.select_related('category__parent')`
> So, ideas, and usecases are greatly welcomed :)

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