The following are assumptions I would make if both "worked".

> UserProfile.objects.get(user__id=3) #Currently works

This is obviously a foreign key and clearly refers to the id field of
the User model. Nuf' said.

> UserProfile.objects.get(user_id=3) #Currently does not work

There is no indication here as to whether this refers to a foreign key
or not. Change the model to something other than User (which has a
know convention) and I would assume this is referring to a user_id
field of the UserProfile model. True, the foreign key is most likely
stored in a user_id column in the db, but a quick glance at the above
query provides no indication of that. It could just be a poorly named
column with no relation to User. If it does, in fact, point to a
foreign key, my assumption would be that a lighter/faster SQL
statement would be generated avoiding the need to access the User
table. More likely, the same SQL would be generated for either, so
this is just misleading.

So among the two above examples, leaving things alone is less
confusing, as Marty Alchin points out.

However, the ticket also seems to indicate that this works:


Which is not so consistent. I get the impression that this is the
motivation for dcramer's argument. If is works for create, why not for
get? Perhaps it shouldn't work for create either, although we probably
don't want to go there for backwards compatibility issues.

Just my $0.02

Waylan Limberg

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