While playing around a bit with newforms-admin, I noticed that it's
ever-so-close to being able to handle one cool use case which came up
during the design discussion at PyCon: running django.contrib.admin
without django.contrib.auth.

The implemention of has_permission() on AdminSite, and
has_(add|change|delete)_permission() on ModelAdmin, gets it almost all
the way there, but leaves two stumbling blocks:

1. Creating instances of LogEntry, which FK to
django.contrib.auth.models.User, and
2. Creating instances of Message, which also FK to

Right now, you *can* work around this by overriding/duplicating a lot
of code in ModelAdmin, but factoring out log entries and messages into
methods -- similar to what's already been done with permission checks
-- would make that unnecessary.

I'm not particularly attached to these method names, but adding
methods on ModelAdmin, say, log_action() and send_user_message(), and
having the object-saving code call those methods instead of directly
handling logging and messages, would solve this pretty cleanly (and
also add a little bit more useful functionality for someone who wants
to roll their own implementation of these features).

Anyone have strong feelings one way or another?

"Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of correct."

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