Hello all :)

I launched the ticket #6275 but I think my poor english was not the
things clear.

brosner  said the idea "out of scope" and ubernostrum said "Django
does not and will not attempt to dictate where you put your code".

but wish to try to explain to be more clear (I think these guys
understand not my point of view)

when I said "a place to put in applications", I did not saying a hard
place to put the applications, but a more flexible way to import them
from. The solution could be a registration (i.e like template tags) by
an kind of interface or common method, or the solution could be
something like django.conf.settings, where from we import settings
that are in the project.settings module but are automatically imported
to django.conf.settings.

I wish to insist that discussion first because I see INSTALLED_APPS
(as it is actually) is a dinossaur in comparison with many adaptable
features of framework (commands, templatetags, backends, serializers,
settings, etc.).

We know the best practices, but each programmer has its own "best
practice" when some of us uses "from apps import myapp" some others
simply include the project path to PYTHONPATH, but these practices
turns the code more and more accoupled. Why not import all installed
applications of current project from a once (virtual) package?

This could turns the coding more clear, and turns possible more than
one version of same app, an apps repository and apps most independet
that they are. I think an egg package or an app with only .pyc files
that needs to related with others apps but the developer "best
practices" does not are the same "best practices" of another

Why don't ?About applications "registration" or something like this

Marinho Brandão (José Mário)

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