On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 5:10 PM, Martin v. Löwis
>  So leave the code as-is, and have 2to3 fix it at installation
>  time (whenever setup.py is invoked by 3.x; setup.py itself
>  runs without changes on 3.x)

Ahh -- this was the part I was missing; my apologies for being dense.
I've been thinking of 2to3 as a one-time tool -- run it to move to
3.0, and never look back -- not as part of a distribution process.
Neat trick -- wish I'd thought of it :)

So this means, though, that folks running from SVN will still need to
run setup.py every time they update, right? Not that that's a
dealbreaker -- I think Django-on-Py3k'ers will be on the cutting edge
anyway -- just wanna check.

I'd still be happier thinking about this process post-Django-1.0 and
post-Py3k-release (or at least rc status), but I've got no objections
to other folks working on it until then.

As for SoC, I can only see it working under these conditions:

(1) A student with a fair deal of both Django and Python knowledge.
The Python knowledge is more important; the places where bugs in
Django are going to crop up are going to be internal, undocumented
areas. This student also should probably be prepared to work with 2to3
fixers, though I've got a lot of knowledge here and can help out.
(2) A mentor ditto. I suspect finding a mentor interested in this
project could be difficult.
(3) Willingness from both parties to work from Martin's plan/patches
forward. Now that I understand how he's going about this, I'm
convinced it's the correct path.
(4) A *realistic*, *solid* project plan -- with dates -- that clearly
lay out what "success" means in this context. This plan should *not*
define "success" as "all code merged into Django in August" since that
probably will depend on lots of factors out of your control.
(5) A commitment from mentor and student to stick around after the SoC
and help idiots like me get the code merged once the time comes.


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