On Sun, Jun 8, 2008 at 9:51 PM, Ashish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  my proposal is

You do know that a list of what has to happen before 1.0, and a page
listing the status of each item, has been available for quite some
time, right? I

> Lack of visibility on what is going on with 1.0 and over an year delay
> on 1.0 (perceived) is causing people to get frustated and we see these
> discussions threads every few weeks now.

I'm really, honestly baffled by this statement. Django development
happens in the open. Always has. Anyone anywhere at any time can look
at what's going on, see what the dev team is talking about, etc. And
it's not like the places where the discussion happen are a super top
secret; a link to the dev list is publicly advertised on
djangoproject.com, as is the bug tracker and wiki.

So please, in all honesty, tell me why you think Django's development
process isn't "visible" enough for people who are concerned and want
to get information. If there's a genuine issue I'm missing here, I'd
love to correct it.

"Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of correct."

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