make the phone field have its own form.
(you can have multiple django forms in the same html form)
create a function that checks the country in the other form, and
returns a form that is either US or International base phone checking.
default it to one or the other, so that something shows up to start

On Jun 12, 4:05 pm, "Adi J. Sieker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> David Cramer wrote:
> > I came across the need today to modify PhoneNumberField to allow for
> > International phone numbers. Doing so, it occurred to me, it'd be very
> > useful just to be able to swap out my phone number field with the
> > localized version based on whatever country was selected.
> > Has any thought/real-use happened in regards to doing something along
> > these lines? I could see many use-cases where this could happen, but a
> > lot of it in relation to internalization.
> I'm currently thinking about a similar issue with the DateField.
> Currently trunk always uses the format Y-M-D when displaying dates in
> input fields, which a) isn't very helpful here in germany and b) doesn't
> let you submit a date if you are using alternate inout_formats and don't
> supply that format.
> There is a already a DATE_FORMAT, TIME_FORMAT, DATE_TIME_FORMAT in the
> po files, which are used in utils.translation. The formats are useful to
> display dates for viewing but not for inout controls. The german
> translation 12. Apr 2008.
> In my humble and new to django opinion django should provide translated
> output formats for input controls which "need" them and I'd be willing
> to help on/do the implementation.
> adi
> --
> Adi J. Sieker         mobile: +49 - 178 - 88 5 88 13
> Freelance developer   skype:  adijsieker
> SAP-Consultant        web:
>                        openbc:
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