Just a short question about coding style and possible shortcuts for 
django-users. I know this is a very minor issue, but I'm just curious...

Currently there are some - I count eight - places where wraps() get 
imported, they all look something like:
     from functools import wraps
except ImportError:
     from django.utils.functional import wraps  # Python 2.3, 2.4 fallback.

After needing to use wraps() myself I wondered why we could not just use 
"from django.utils.functional import wraps" everywhere inside django. 
functional.py could do the error-catching and import from functool if 
----------8<------------------------------[ functional.py ]-----
     from functools import wraps, update_wrapper
except ImportError:
     # Python 2.3, 2.4 fallbacks:
     def wraps(...): ...
     def update_wrapper(...): ...

I know, this is a question about coding-style, but I think needing only 
to import from django (meaning only needing one line instead of four) 
cleans up your files a little. Additionally importing from django by 
mistake would not cause to have two different versions of 
wraps()/update_wrapper() around (as functools might get updated some day).

So are there any reasons to keep the current imports as they are? If 
nobody has strong feelings against this I could provide a simple patch.

Perhaps the question can be extended to other imports as well...

Btw.: There are already places where normal python modules are wrapped 
by django. So this would not break current coding-styles I think. 
(Example: django.utils.http.urlquote, but this is somewhat different)

Greetings, David Danier

P.S.: I did not open a ticket on this, as I think, this needs discussion 
and such minor issues should not flood trac.

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