I'd like to thank you for this work.  I tried it and it *mostly* works
on my Windows Server 2003 machine with MS SQL Server 2000, with a few

- Changed the last line in creation.py to (this was just to make it
work in SQL 2000 *for me*, clearly it shouldn't stay like this)
       DATA_TYPES['TextField'] = 'nvarchar(1000) %(db_collation)s'

- Inserted this line before the Database.connect call in
DatabaseWrapper.cursor in base.py (because otherwise I was getting
errors about a driver not being specified)  Apparently this is the
default according to the comments at the top of this file but it
doesn't get put in the command.  Again this is probably a bug that
should be fixed properly rather than applying my hack.
       odbc_string = 'DRIVER={SQL Server};' + odbc_string

- Changed CursorWrapper.execute in base.py to:

    def execute(self, sql, params=()):
        import datetime

        sql = self.format_sql(sql)
        # convert from unicode to utf-8 for pyodbc
        ps = []
        for p in params:
          if isinstance(p, unicode):
          elif isinstance(p, datetime.date):
            ps.append(datetime.datetime(p.year, p.month, p.day))
          elif isinstance(p, datetime.time):
            ps.append(datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, p.hour, p.minute,

        params = tuple(ps)
        return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)

To handle the fact that SQL Server doesn't have specific date or time

- I still haven't managed to get the reverse of this working; I always
get datetime objects out of the database even for date fields and time
fields.  Does anyone see any way to fix this?  I had a play around
with get_cached_row in django.db.models.query.py but didn't really
have any luck.

I'd really like to see a SQL Server backend stay reasonably up to date
with django and I'm prepared to help with any work needed to achieve


On Jul 2, 11:48 pm, "vcc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I port MS SQL pyodbc backend (django-pyodbc) to newforms-admin r7671, tested 
> on ubuntu 8.04 and with SQL Server 2005.
> I found sql server need convert  boolean value to integer (BooleanField), so 
> need add a new feature like 'needs_bool_to_integer' to DatabaseFeatures, 
> deafult to False.
> Since this MS SQL backend work both on Linux and Windows, so we may consider 
> have MS SQL backend back in Django internal.
> Please see patch in attachment.
> Best regards,
> Wei Guangjing
> _
>  django-pyodbc-r7671.patch
> 39KDownload
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