We are *NOW* in complete and total feature freeze?


> "We're not in complete and total feature freeze. "
> I assume you mean the opposite of this.
> On Aug 27, 9:15 am, "Jacob Kaplan-Moss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Hi folks --
> > Right, so this is it.
> > We've got about a week until the scheduled release of Django 1.0, and
> > the milestone shows 86 open tickets. It's time to put our heads down
> > and get this release out. A few notes:
> > We're not in complete and total feature freeze. This means that the
> > only things we should be working on for the next week are fixing true,
> > verified bugs. This also means that if you report a feature request,
> > it'll get automatically pushed to post-1.0 regardless of the merits.
> > We're also in string freeze so that translators have the next week to
> > get their translations as complete as possible. Any string marked for
> > translation cannot be changed. This means that if you're working on a
> > patch that touches translated strings, we'll ask you to write around
> > them.
> > Don't expect to see much activity from the core developers on the
> > community lists and channels. If there's something that needs
> > attention from one of us, make a note and repost in about two weeks if
> > we've not gotten back to you by then. I, at least, am going to pretty
> > much ignore the mailing lists for the next weekish while we get this
> > release out.
> > Finally, keep in mind that although "1.0" seems huge -- mostly since
> > we've been working on it for so long -- it's only the *first* of what
> > I expect to be an increasingly awesome set of releases. 1.0 will be
> > missing quite a few things we've had to put off, but 1.1 will be even
> > better, and 1.2 will kick the crap out of 1.1.
> > So let's do the best we can, but remember that it'll only get better from 
> > here!
> > Jacob
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