On Mon, 2008-09-29 at 10:37 -0700, bo wrote:
> This little issue is really hard to replicate .. i've yet to find out
> how to programatically do it because it certainly revolves around a
> threading, object caching, and the Yield in Query.py (iteritems).
> I just wanted to post this here to see if anyone, with more experience
> then i, knows howto replicate this in a test case world.
> On to the description....
> The set up:: Apache 2.2.6 + Linux + Threaded (_not_ forked) +
> mod_python + Django 1.X
> Suppose i have a 2 level caching object, that basically overloads the
> function to store/get the object(s) from a Memcached overlord cache
> (say 60 second expire), and 'local' cache (with a 1-2 second expire
> time) ..  the basic function is to keep a highly requested object
> _per_ HTTP request local in ram w/o having to go back to the Memcached
> cache.
> because of various iterators basing themselves off of "yield"
> statements in db/models/query.py.  Should 2 threads access the same
> Local RAM cache object and try to iterate (yes the READS from the
> cache are read/write locked, but this issue appears after the read
> lock is released and the object is begin used), the ususal "Value
> Error: Generator already running" exception is thrown.
>   File "mything/models.py", line 1072, in _set_data
>     for p in self.data:
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/django/db/models/query.py",
> line 179, in _result_iter
>     self._fill_cache()
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/django/db/models/query.py",
> line 612, in _fill_cache
>     self._result_cache.append(self._iter.next())
> ValueError: generator already executing
> So, i'm aware this may not be a bug. But my own ignorance for not
> doing something right.
> This does not happen very often in the servers i am running (about 10
> times a day on a 100k+ Django views/per day) which is why its really
> hard to track down

I don't understand from your description what you're actually doing, but
it sounds a lot like you're trying to read from the same QuerySet in
multiple threads whilst it's still retrieving results from the database
cursor. Don't do that. Firstly, database cursor result sets aren't
necesarily safe to be shared across threads. QuerySet and Query objects
probably are once the result set is populated, since every non-trivial
operation on them creates a copy and parallel iteration is supported,
but that's more by accident than design, since it's not worth the extra
overhead: if you want to share QuerySets via caching, they contain the
results (the result_cache is already fully primed).

Nothing in Django will cache a connection to the database or a cursor
result set, so can you break down your problem a bit more to describe
where the simultaneous access is happing. You say "the usual
ValueError", but I have never seen that raised by anything in Django. So
I'm wondering if you're doing something fairly unusual here.

That particular block of code is *designed* to be used in parallel
iterators in the same thread, so it's safe in that respect. But if
you're sharing a partially-read database cursor iterator across multiple
threads, it might be a case of it breaks you get to keep all the pieces.
I can't see why that would be necessary (if you want to cache the
results, just cache the queryset and it will cache the results; if you
want to cache the query, cache queryset.query and it will just cache the
query; both of those cases are designed in and documented).


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