On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 12:34 PM, Jesse Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A LazyTextField that manages a dynamic model behind the scenes sounds
> like a neat idea. That would certainly make the Django side of this
> easier to manage. (But of course I have a slight bias towards code
> that exists already -- has anyone actually implemented this?)

I don't think it's out there anywhere, but if you like I could whip up
the code for it in about 15 minutes (probably less). I just haven't
bothered because I don't personally need it.

> Anyway, I'm only trying to point out that inline lazy fields are
> *sometimes* useful, and that Django shouldn't force people to do it by
> splitting out fields into separate tables.

Damn it. Now you've gotten me thinking of ways to possibly manage a
field the way you want (one table, lazy loading, no data migration, no
patches to django, one-line change to the model). I'm 98% sure it's
possible, and I know of many of the things that would need to be
addressed to do so, but I really shouldn't be spending my time on it.
I probably won't be able to get it out of my head until I get it
working though, unfortunately. If I do write it down, I'll let you

Of course, it would also have to come with big biohazard signs warning
people that there could (and likely would) be unforeseen side-effects,
particularly in the admin, serializers, modelforms ... actually,
pretty much anything that introspects your model would never see that
field. I'm not sure if that's suitable for your case, but it certainly
wouldn't be good enough for wide distribution.


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