Ya this was more of a two birds one stone goal here. It'd be nice to
be able to specify relations (e.g. the filter example), like it would
with a generic foreign key, but not restricted to content_type/
object_id. We also will run into the issue with that, where object_id
is a composite as well (but this can sit on the backburner IMHO).

Anyways, adding the fields "transparently" (thats what I meant) is
easy. I've done it quite a bit in my own code. I spent several hours
however, trying to find a way to make ".filter(pk=(1,2,3))", ".filter
(pk=dict(blah=1, blah2=2, blah3=3))" work, however. That is the
specific area I've been waiting on. I have however had lots of time to
find various random admin bugs which I've been slowly fixing up.
Filters/etc are all working in my local version.

On Nov 13, 10:14 pm, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Thu, 2008-11-13 at 19:50 -0800, David Cramer wrote:
> > I was thinking beyond just handling Foreign Keys actually when I wrote
> > this up. It would allow for a more generic version of a generic
> > foreign key.
> Generic relations are quite different to foreign keys and the two
> shouldn't be merged.
> Generic Relations say how to get from an object id and a content type to
> a remote object. They aren't a database-layer construct, although a
> database constraint to, e.g., the content-type table could be
> enforced(but that's not relevant here). ForeignKeys are a representation
> of a database constraint, always referring to same remote table. They
> are necessarily different concepts and I dont' think attempting to merge
> them is going to gain much in clarity. At some point when multi-column
> primary keys are supported, we might be able to work out a way for
> generic relations to handle them, but I'm not holding my breath about
> that and it's certainly a phase 2 or phase 3 thing. The reason it's
> almost impossible to support generic relations with arbitrary
> multi-column fields because the number of columns is, well, arbitrary
> (attempting to jam multiple remote values into one local database column
> is a bad idea, too. At some point the hacks mount up beyond the point of
> usefulness). That is, one content type requires one value, a different
> one requires two and a third content type might require four values to
> identify the object. I strongly suspect we'll end up just saying
> GenericRelation fields only work for single valued objects ids. Which
> isn't at all unreasonable, since Django's generic relation classes
> aren't really compulsory for data modelling. Any given situation has a
> solution that doesn't involve them.
> >  Although the more I think about it we'd still want to
> > magically handle ForeignKey's so the same problem exists.
> There's no magic in programming. :-)
> Maybe be you mean transparently. If so, I think this is a requirement,
> too, but it's not a problem. We know when the ForeignKey field is
> specified which model it refers to, so we can include the correct number
> of database columns at table creation time. We have perfect information
> when we create the table, which is where this differs from any generic
> relations.
> > I guess I could write a composite foreign key manager, which could be
> > used in both instances. The problem is the API is very confusing at
> > the moment, and I haven't been able to work out a good way to handle
> > (in the code) mycomposite__exact=1 (single to multiple relation
> > lookup). Maybe you could help with this :)
> The value on the right hand side can be any sequence or tuple (or even
> an object that knows how to return a sequence or tuple). The ORM will
> know that the field involved is a multicolumn field and know to expect
> multiple values on the RHS to associate with the multiple LHS columns.
> It doesn't make sense to say mycomposite__exact=1, since mycomposite
> expects multiple values. It's clear what
>         mycomposite__exact = (1,2)
> means, however.
> I will finish my work on this when I get a chance and as soon as
> possible. I realise you've been waiting for a bit. Haven't had a lot of
> time for Django the past few weeks, but I'm getting back on the horse
> again now, although there'll be a bit of focus on 1.1 feature triage and
> 1.0.X for a little bit first.
> It doesn't mean that you need to specify the primary key columns on the
> ForeignKey field, though. As I pointed out in the original message, you
> know which are the primary key columns because they're declared on the
> model referred to.
> > Really, this issue is all thats stopping me from completing the
> > composite PKs patch.
> You should still have something that's in multiple portions, though.
> Relations are kind of a second phase to the rest. So you could open a
> ticket with the first part of the patch if you want some early review on
> that (although you've missed the 1.1 window now, so it will be
> deprioritised a little bit officially, but I'm still interested in
> coming to some conclusion on this).
> Regards,
> Malcolm
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