On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 1:29 AM, Diego Andrés Sanabria Martin
(diegueus9) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> In Django in somwhere is a tag Lorem Ipsum, i suggest to use Lorem Ipsum 2
> http://lorem2.com/

I do not get the point, and by your message I'd say you've not used
the lorem tag at all.

Django has a tag that generates some random text "similar" to the one
in "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (where the "Lorem Ipsum..." text
(may) comes from, and does so without any external dependency.

From your message I can only understand that you'd like the tag to
take the text from lorem2.com? Why would anybody do so? That would
need everybody to be online to use the lorem tag, and could mean a
foreign web request on every page view... The webdesign contrib is
there to provide some "randomness" to help you design your pages, it's
not intended to print real passages.

And if you want an "online" Lorem generator you'd better use
www.lipsum.com which allows you to select what randomness you'd like
to get. And explains a bit of the history behind "Lorem Ipsum".

Anyway, on future messages, please try to elaborate them a bit more
than 15 words, and don't forget to look at the current code, ie: "in
somewhere is a tag" doesn't seem like you did much research before
posting ;))

http://www.marcfargas.com - will be finished someday.

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