
The easiest way to explain this is with code I guess:

These are the models for a contact management application. Basicly I
have a "Contact Model", which is used to hold details for both the
"Person" and "Company" Models. On the "Contact Model" I have some
generic relations, for example, Email..

I'm using generic_inlineformset_factory to handle the Forms for the
generic relations, and it works well. Any data I save on the forms is
saved linked to the corresponding Person Contenttype.

The problem:

If I do this:

entity = Person.objects.get(id=contact_id)
print entity.emails.all()

It is not saved as a Person Contenttype as one would expect, but as a
ContactContenttype, but it does save with the correct Person Id.
If I have a Company and a Person with the same Id, the object_id in
Email will be the same, and the content_type_id will also be the same,
since it currently saves as a Contact, and not as a Person or Company.

Hope I was clear..
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