The above ticket was opened a while back concerning the inability to
define views that use both positional arguments and keyword arguments
when expecting to use reverse() to match urls tied to those views.

I don't understand the rational here for not fixing this issue. The
decision not to allow mixing args and kwargs seems like a lazy way to
avoid coming up with a real solution. Forcing the use of one or the
other but not both is simply not pythonic, and without some sort of
discussion, seems silly. When a python framework does not allow valid
python syntax to function properly, that sounds like a fundamental
flaw in design to me.

There are many instances where, in a complicated implementation of
views, one might want to have a combination of required args and
optional kwargs, and the inability to mix them introduces all sorts of
complexities to the logic of the views that shouldn't have to be dealt

Due to the abruptness with which I was referred to this list, I feel
like I must be missing some obvious piece of logic in this decision,
as many of the other tickets have well defined responses and rational
for the decisions related to them, while this ticket has almost none.

My personal stake in this issue has to do with one of my applications
which relies heavily on a required argument on every view - an
employee slug. I've built multiple decorators around this, and much of
my functionality depends on that argument. On one of my views, I want
to allow some filtering keywords to be optionally included on the
view, and due to this bug I am simply unable to do that without (A)
radically rewriting my application, or (B) writing two identical views
which have different required arguments and defining a url for each.
Option A is simply not feasible, and option B is just a silly thing to
have to do, when if this bug were not an issue, I could simply use the
syntax that any python method definition allows me to use.

I imagine that an argument will be made that I should have developed
my application from the start with this limitation in mind (which is
what mtredinnick suggests in a comment on that ticket) but this
limitation is not mentioned in the documentation anywhere that I could
find, so I don't see how I could have known this until encountering
it. And again, why would anyone expect this sort of a limitation,
considering that it flies in the face of what python syntax allows
everywhere else?

Futher confusing the issue is the text at where
apparently the url tag supports mixing args and kwargs just fine. I
have not tested this yet, but the example given in the documentation
there does exactly that: {% url
arg1,arg2,name1=value1 %} Is there an inconsistency between reverse()
and {% url %}?

I hope I have not come across badly in this post; I am trying to
remain patient, but this is quite frustrating to come across such a
perceived closed door regarding this bug.

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