Feb 8, Russell Keith-Magee:
> First off - it isn't impossible to do what you are describing with the
> existing setup. There is no reason you couldn't override _pre_setup()
> in your subclass and either re-instantiate self.client, or modify the
> self.client instance that has already been created. This isn't
> necessarily clean, but it would work.

Though I solved my own problem through some means, no - your  
suggestion would not work. The reason is that the TestCase.__call__  
code does: _pre_setup, set client, super...(), _post_setup.

The only way to hook into that code would be to mash up the MRO for  
TestCase and inject oneself into the super call. And then re-instatiate.

> This area could certainly be cleaned up, though. Moving the
> instantiation of Client into _pre_setup() would be one approach.
> Another would be to parameterize the class that is instantiated when
> the client is created - i.e., rather than always instantiating
> django.test.client.Client, we provide a customization hook that lets
> subclasses provide their own Client class.

A rather common idiom I've seen is:

     class TestCase(...):
         client_class = DjangoTestClientThing

         def __call__(self, ...):
             # ...
             if self.client_class:
                 self.client = self.client_class(...)
             # ...

Essentially achieving the same as you, only because of Python's name  
resolution machinery, you could also do `my_inst.client_class = Blah`  
to specialize per instance.

> Patches welcome. :-)

Once I know what to write!

- Ludvig

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