> > One suggestion Eric Florenzano had was that we go above and beyond
> > just storing the methods and parameters, we don't even excecute them
> > at all until absolutely necessary.
> Excuse me for a moment whilst I add Eric to a special list I've been
> keeping. He's trying to make trouble.
> Ok, back now... There are at least two problems with this.
> (a) Backwards incompatible in that some querysets would return
> noticeably different results before and after that change. It would be
> subtle, quiet and very difficult to detect without auditing every line
> of code that contributes to a queryset. The worst kind of change for us
> to make from the perspective of the users.

What scenario does it return different results, the one place I can think of

query = queryset.order_by('I AM NOT A REAL FIELD, HAHA')
render_to_response('template.html', {'q': query})

which would raise an exception in the template instead of in the view.

> (b) Intentionally not done right now and not because I'm whimsical and
> arbitrary (although I am). The problem is it requires storing all sorts
> of arbitrarily complex Python objects. Which breaks pickling, which
> breaks caching. People tend to complain, a lot, about that last bit.
> That's why the Where.add() converts things to more basic types when they
> are added (via a filter() command).  If somebody really needs lazily
> evaluated parameters, it's easy enough via a custom Q-like object, but
> so far nobody has asked for that if they've gotten stuck doing it. It's
> even something we could consider adding to Django, although it's not a
> no-brainer given the potential to break caching.

I vaguely recall there being a ticket about this that you wontfixed,
although that may have been about defering calling callables :).  In any
event the caching issue was one I hadn't considered, although one solution
would be not to pickle it with the ability to switch to a different query
type, it's a bit of a strange restriction, but I don't think it's one that
would practically affect people, and it's less restricitive.

> [...]
> >
> > Thanks for all the review Malcolm.
> No problems.
> > One question that I didn't really ask in the initial post is what
> > parameters should a "DatabaseManager" receieve on it's methods, one
> > suggestion is the Query object, since that gives the use the maximal
> > amount of information,, however my concerns there are that it's not a
> > public API, and having a private API as a part of the public API feels
> > klunky.
> At first glance, I believe the word you're looking for is "wrong". :-)

Yes, that's the one.

> Definitely a valid concern.
> >   OTOH there isn't really another data structure that carries around
> > the information someone writing their sharding logic(or whatever other
> > scheme they want to implement) who inevitably want to have.
> Two solutions spring to mind, although I haven't thought this through a
> lot: it's not particularly germane to the proposal since it's something
> we can work out a bit later on. I've got limited time today(something
> about a beta release coming up), so I wanted to just get out responses
> to the two people who posted items for discussion. I suspect there's a
> lot of thinking needed here about the concept as a whole and I want to
> do that. Anyway...
> One option is to use the piece of public API that is available which
> will always be carrying around a Query object: the QuerySet. Query
> objects don't exist in isolation. However, this sounds problematic
> because the implementation is going to be working at a very low-level --
> database managers are only really interesting to Query.as_sql() and it's
> dependencies. But that leads to the next idea, ...
> The other is to work out a better place for this database manager in the
> hierarchy. It might be something that lives as an attribute on a
> QuerySet. Something like the user provides a function that picks the
> database based "some information" that is available to it and the base
> method selects the right database to use. Since it lives in the QuerySet
> namespace, it can happily access the "query" attribute there without any
> encapsulation violations. The database manager then becomes two pieces,
> an algorithm on QuerySet (that might just dispatch to the real algorithm
> on Query), plus some user-supplied code to make the right selections.
> That latter thing could be a callable object if you need the full class
> structure. But the stuff QuerySet/Query needs to know about is probably
> a much smaller interface than *requiring* a full class. (Did any of that
> make sense?)
> I think this -- the database manager concept -- is the part of your
> proposal that is most up in the air with respect to what the API looks
> like. Which is fine. The fact that it's something to consider is good
> enough to know. Certainly put some thought into the problem, but don't
> sweat the details too much just yet (in the application period). This is
> one of those hard areas where you probably do need to think about it so
> much it costs you sleep, you forget to eat and so on.

The concept of a database manager is somewhat important as it makes
automating your mI ultidb strategy far easier.  My concern with just passing
a QuerySet is it doesn't really hold any information, if I want to say shard
on the id then I need to poke at the Query(the same for any information
about the query other than the type which we already know from the method),
and if we always need to actually touch the Query than passing the QuerySet
is a bit of an end run around.

The nice thing about the DatabaseManager concept(as I've conceived it) is
that it can be implemented entirely seperately and after the rest of the

> Regards,
> Malcolm
> >

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say it." --Voltaire
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